Posted by Matthew Biggers on Thursday, October 18th, 2018 at 2:01pm.

We want to congratulate you on the purchase of your first home. Your home real estate agent from Sterling Real Estate in Atlanta helped you find the perfect property and you are eager to move in and call it home. Of course, you aren’t really looking forward to the actual move itself, nobody like to move. But it has to be done so you may as well make the best of it.

All of your furniture, clothing and other belongings are sprawled out on the floor, silently mocking you. Packing everything up seems like such a daunting task. But before you get all flustered and start pulling your hair out, understand that the whole moving thing doesn’t have to be as bad as you might think. That is, not if you follow these handy and helpful moving tips.

Get Rid of Everything

We don’t mean literally get rid of absolutely everything, just get rid of the stuff you really don’t need. As you sort through your stuff, you will find all sorts of things you don’t need or that have no use to you anymore. Find these things and either throw them away or donate them. You will be surprised at the amount of stuff you have that you no longer need. This also means you have less stuff to pack, move and unpack when you arrive at your new home.

Go Room By Room

It works best if you focus only ion one room at a time. Start in a particular room and stay there until everything in that room is packed up and ready to go. Then and only then do you move on to the next room.

Create a List

There are literally hundreds of things that need to be dome when you are moving. It is a lot to remember. It is best if you make a coherent list of all of the things that have to be done to complete this rather large task. Your best bet is to buy a notebook and devote it to the things you need to do. Leave spaces in between tasks so you can make updates and write down important notes.

Call In Favors

If you are like most people, you will be relying on friends and family to help you through this task. That’s fine, just make sure you ask for help sooner than later. Give these people plenty of notice so they can plan accordingly.

Don’t Procrastinate

This is easy in theory. In reality, we are all guilty of procrastinating when something needs to be done and we don’t like doing it. Getting started can be difficult, we all get that. Many of you don’t know where to start and become easily distracted and off task in a matter of minutes.

Start by packing the items you don’t need to get by each day. You will be surprised to realize that there are many things you rarely use and can pack up early.

If you are ready to stop paying rent and own a home, give Sterling Real Estate a call.

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